
Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless - Mother Teresa


The Vaniyambadi Tanners Association




Registered under the Societies Registration Act 27 of 1975 S.No.82 of 1993 object of the Association. To Project, ensure and render assistance and services to members for the promotion of commerce of individual members in the tanning and finishing of leather and leather products and to encourage meetings and get together of merchants business and industrialist in a spirit of friendship and in terms of their professional interest and to create a forum to act for the common interest and conductive to the furtherance and attainment in the progress of the industry.

The Association is not only proud of its history and tradition but also of its science and technology that has gone into the manufacturing of sophisticated high fashion garment leather. Suedes and Nappas.Centre of Excellence:Vaniyambadi is known as �Centre of Excellence� for clothing leathers. Its members have carved a niche in the world market of clothing leather with their products.

The Association has been a pioneer in setting up Common Effluent Treatment Plants. The leathers manufactured by its Members are being processed with clean technology with due regard to the Environmental demands.All members believe in �Clean Tanning � Green planning�.There are total Six Common Effluent Treatment Plants for Member � Tanneries in different places in Vaniyambadi, besides other E.T.Ps of individual members.

The Association has been responsible for the established of a common facility centre.The Association has also been a pioneer in setting up atraining centre in technical collaboration with CL/ under French method (AEPIC) and under the aegis of NLDP Government of India for providing trained man power to the leather Garments, Goods and Gloving Industry.

The Association is a member of the following bodies:
*.The All India Skin and Hide Tanners and Merchants Association, Chennai
*.Andhra Chamber of Commerce, Chennai*.National Chamber of Commerce, Chennai
*.Hindustan Chamber of Commerce, Chennai
*.The Tamil Chamber of Commerce, Chennai

The Association has its own building with a Conference Hall and it conducts regular meetings. Lectures and seminars for the benefits of its members.Vaniyambadi is a recognized centre for low cost, high quality with a wide range of leather manufactures catering to the needs of a large number of leather products exports.This centre will remain an important centre of leathers for years to come.

Courtesy : The website about Vaniyambadi


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