Tanneries in tatters: ...

Posted on Thursday, June 18, 2020at 11:38 AM

Given the depressing state of affairs across various leather clusters, the industry believes the government should urgently offer liquidity support to the critical sector.

Employing over 4 million people, the Indian leather sector has always enjoyed a significant place in the Indian economy. Bestowed with an abundance of raw materials as the country is endowed with 20% of world ...

India: leather ...

Posted on Friday, May 1, 2020at

India: leather industry asks the Government for a lockdown exit plan

One of the key players in the leather industry is now asking the Government to set a plan for the sector once the lockdown is exited next week. The Council for Leather Exports is urging for measures Aqeel Ahmed Panaruna, Chairman of the Council for Leather Exports (CLE), underlined that export orders with a total value ...

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Rev Osmosis

Evaporator old

Vanitec was a pioneer in setting-up the

first CETP for clusters of tanneries in India and commissioned ...

Vanitec Limited was incorporated in the year 1986 with the aim of providing wastewater treatment utilities for the benefit of its member-tanneries. The Company services the wastewater treatment needs of its 134 member-tanneries through a Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) located in Valayampet, Vaniyambadi.

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